How to Achieve Healthier Skin with These 5 Habits

Written by Lauren Arent (Lo Clark) 

Owner of Bewitched Esthetics & Licensed Esthetician since 2013

December 30th, 2022


Hello my darlings,

Healthy skin is always the goal at the very base of it all. Whether we are looking to reduce acne or minimize the signs of aging. When a client comes in asking to glow, what they mean is, please help me heal my skin. So what we are going to review today is 5 basic habits for you to ensure you incorporate into your day to achieve healthy skin. 

Healthy Habit #1. Drink Water

I wanted drinking water to be number one because this is a habit I myself struggle with. We can all make excuses for why we are terrible at consuming the recommended amount of water everyday but it really is imperative for healthy skin.

Water cleanses our bodies, removing toxins and waste. In the process, it ensures our organs are operating at top function, including our skin. Without water, these toxins will clog the pores and produce acne from cysts to blackheads.

Hydration is another key component provided by water. There are two types of dryness in your skin: lack of moisture and lack of oil. One comes from not applying moisture to the skin and one comes from not drinking enough water. They look and feel different in the skin, so you can’t compensate for one through the other.

Drinking water is an easy habit to flush your system of toxins and make sure your skin has the necessary hydration every day to maintain healthy looking skin. 

Healthy Habit #2. Do Your Skincare Routine at Least Once a Day

Your skincare routine may seem like a chore but this is another important component to having healthier skin. Getting facials is wonderful and very important in its own way HOWEVER kind of like the healthy weight rule: 90% diet 10% exercise, the healthy skin rule would be 90% at home skincare 10% professional services. I mean unless you’re in my shop everyday, you must keep up with this healthy habit at home. Do you want to learn more about the proper skincare routine and discover how to build your own? I recommend checking out this article I’ve written outlining the steps of a skincare routine and why they are important and this article to use those steps to build a manageable routine for you and your time. 

Clean foods

Healthy Skin Habit #3. Eat Clean Foods

Healthy skin begins with a healthy diet. I’ve discussed this before. As a holistic esthetician I strongly believe that the body should be considered as a whole picture, not single pieces of a puzzle. Eating processed foods puts toxins and chemicals into your body which then are flushed out through the skin or put stress onto other organs which is then reflected in issues like acne and sensitivities in the skin. Greasy and salty foods also have this affect as well as foods that mess with hormones like beer which contains hops and stimulates estrogen or soy which also disrupt estrogen production. Eating clean is a crucial element in keeping the skin looking healthy and vibrant. There is magic in food. Vitamins and nutrients specific to each food should be consumed for specific purposes. You can check out one of my Feed Your Skin Recipes to learn more about this food magic I speak of. 

Healthy Skin Habit #4. Moisturize Your Body

This healthy habit took me awhile to figure out. I remember the days when my body would feel itchy and irritated, not to mention problems like pain when I shaved my legs. Luckily I began a healthy routine of lotion application to my body before I entered into my 30’s. Because it’s not just the face that ages my darlings. Wrinkles on the hands and between or under the breasts are two issues clients consistently ask about. Just like you apply moisture to the face, you must ensure to moisturize the body as well. My FAV body moisturizer is the Strawberry Rhubarb Hyaluronic Body Lotion! If I forget a day in between, this lotion from Eminence keeps me feeling soft and smooth. 

Healthy Habit #5. Get Some Sleep Already

Sleep is so important for total body function so it goes without saying that a good night’s sleep is a good habit for healthy skin. Sleep is when the body repairs DNA.

Not getting sleep means the body deteriorates faster, meaning more wrinkles, less elasticity, diminishing collagen, etc. A study in the journal Clinical and Experimental Dermatology found that people who slept seven to nine hours a night had skin that was more moisturized and that could protect and heal itself better after being exposed to ultraviolet light compared to those who slept five hours or less. 

While we are talking about sleep, I highly recommend using a silk pillowcase and changing/washing said pillowcase every few days. This can reduce breakouts and minimize the effects of aging we receive from rough fabrics. 

As We Head Into The New Year

These are the last few days of 2022. Most of the world is busy thinking of the new version of themselves they hope to create in the new year. I encourage you to consider these basic habits as you set your New Year Resolutions. These are easy habits to build! Easy to incorporate into your life, to aim to be just 1% better each day. 

Wishing you a life full of beauty and blessings, as well as a grand New Year! See you all in 2023!

With Love, From Lo brand image with lipstick kiss print

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