Thai Coconut Curry Soup

Written by Lauren Arent (Lo Clark) 

Owner of Bewitched Esthetics & Licensed Esthetician since 2013

April 7th, 2023


Hello my darlings,

This soup is one of my favorites, my special Thai Coconut Curry Soup. It’s packed full of food magick and the best part is it’s the one soup that isn’t chili (which isn’t technically soup) that my husband will eat! So cheers to the last soup of the season! (Hopefully.) The weather finally seems to be turning in favor of spring and I suppose this was my final craving for hot soup, at least for the time being.

Thai Red Curry

Thai red curry has a very specific taste, very warm and sweet, yet spicy and not in the hot kinda way. This soup is exotic but has none of that fiery kick you might think of with curry. I feel like I am ‘cook-splaining’ this a little, but it honestly confused me a little when I first tried Thai curry, it really is nothing like Indian curry. So if you aren’t a fan of Indian food, don’t write this soup off for that!

Thai Red Curry for Thai Coconut Curry Soup
Thai Red Curry Paste, ingredient for Thai Coconut Curry Soup
Coconut Cream & Milk from a can for Thai Coconut Curry Soup
Coconut Cream & Milk from a can for Thai Coconut Curry Soup

Coconut Milk

The coconut milk is really the star of the show in this recipe, for its creamy and slightly sweet contributions. Coconut milk should not be confused with coconut water, as the milk is the flesh of a ripe coconut mixed with water. It contains only about 50% water, but contains far more nutrients than coconut water. Coconut milk is also considered a good source of fat because of the medium chain triglycerides or MCTs. These are excellent for keeping your body in a state of ketosis, or fat burning, which may promote weight loss. 

You will also find protein, fiber, vitamin C (for brightening the skin and anti-aging), folate, iron, magnesium, potassium, copper, lots of manganese, and selenium. Manganese is crucial for properly utilizing certain vitamins (like vitamin C) within the body. 

Coconut is used in skin care for its antioxidant properties, for its hydrating and moisturizing benefits, for the vitamin C of course, to balance the pH and as a source of electrolytes like calcium, phosphorus, and potassium. Which is why I paired this recipe with the Coconut Age Corrective Moisturizer.

Coconut Age Corrective Moisturizer shop image
Eminence moisturizer for hydration and anti-aging

Coconut Age Corrective Moisturizer

The Coconut Age Corrective Moisturizer has been my moisturizer of choice, both for in the morning and at night, for the past year. I just love the luxurious hydration. Idaho has really kicked my hydration needs into the highest of gears and this (layered with the Strawberry Rhubarb Hyaluronic Hydrator) really helps me get there. Plust it contains the Natural Retinol Alternative which helps me work on those irritating fine lines and wrinkles 2x a day!

Cooking Tips for Thai Coconut Curry Soup

It is IMPORTANT to get a can of coconut milk instead of a box or jug from the milk section of the store because of the layer of ‘cream’ that sits on top. When you open a can of coconut milk, you’ll encounter a solid, buttery white layer. I recommend using a spoon to break into it because it is rather dense. You will actually use it almost like butter, to lubricate the bottom of your pot to saute your cilantro roots with the Thai red curry. Always take at least 5 minutes for this step. The intensity of the flavor of your soup will depend on you letting those cilantro roots marinade into the coconut curry mixture and create a base for your soup. 

Layout of ingredients for Thai Coconut Curry Soup
All the ingredients for Thai Coconut Curry Soup
Lemongrass for Thai Coconut Curry Soup Recipe
Lemongrass for Thai Coconut Curry Soup Recipe

The directions might look very specific and maybe even difficult, I remember thinking that when I first tried a variation of this recipe but honestly, you get into a rhythm and I could make this recipe in my sleep nowadays.

If you’ve never purchased lemongrass before, it is not hard to find. Fred Meyer has it but I almost always get mine at Winco because they have organic herbs. You can find it with all the other refrigerated herbs at the grocery store. Personally, I like to remove the halved stems of the lemongrass after the soup finishes cooking. They will not get any softer in the water and do not taste good if you bite into one directly.

Recipe for Thai Coconut Curry Soup

 Hope you enjoy this recipe! Remember: Healthy Skin Begins Within.

Wishing you a life full of beauty and blessings!

With Love, From Lo brand image with lipstick kiss print


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