How to Celebrate Beltane: Bread & Bonfires

Written by Lauren Arent (Lo Clark) 

Owner of Bewitched Esthetics & Licensed Esthetician since 2013

May 1st, 2023


Hello my darlings,

Merry Beltane to you all! I am not surprised many of you have not heard of Beltane, most of you probably know it as May Day. This magickal Sabbat is the celebration of the peak of Spring, half way between the Equinox and the Solstice. Hopefully the season is in full bloom as flowers are one of the main symbols of this Sabbat. If you haven’t heard of Beltane, let me introduce you to the original bonfire party.

A History of Beltane

Beltane comes from ‘Bel’ the Celtic God whose name means fire. In this celebration, fire is cleansing, it reminds us of the burning heat of the sun and calls it home to us for summer. Traditionally, two large bonfires are lit – to symbolize purity and fertility. Ancient pagans would sometimes leap over the flames or coals, and pass between the fires to increase abundance, fertility and to purify the people (they would also do this with the livestock to ensure the herd’s fertility and purity). Although the bonfire tradition burned out for a period of time, it was revived in Edinburgh in 1988 and has become quite the celebration. In 2004, they began selling tickets to this festival and honestly, I hope one day I will be able to attend!

Beltane is often celebrated as a time of fertility as the birds are hatching, baby animals are being born, and flowers bloom. The absolute celebration of life, birth and sexuality. There are tales of a May Queen, who battles with the Queen of Winter, ultimately winning and only yielding at Samhain (November 1st), allowing the cycle to begin again. Here we see the symbols of the Maiden Goddess, the Mother and the Crone in their time of the year – Maiden in Spring, Mother in Summer, Crone in Falll, to sleep in the winter and reborn again in the Spring. Celebrating life in natural cycles and rhythms is an ancient tradition. One that makes a whole lot of sense to this old soul.  

Maypole for Beltane
The Maypole is a phallic symbol of the masculine penetrating the feminine to create life which we begin to see in late Spring

The Beltane Maypole

Other than the ancient tradition of bonfires, one of the most common symbols of Beltane is the May Pole. Now…I am not judging the ancient pagans, but they were a little obvious with this one. The May Pole is a phallic symbol, demonstrating the penetration of the Earth by the god above and decorated with a wreath of flowers to symbolize the fertility of the goddess.

Young men and women would dance around the pole, holding many different colors of ribbons. As they danced, they would weave together these ribbons around the pole so that by the end, the ribbons would create a protective cover around the Maypole to symbolize the womb of the Earth. 

Handfasting Tradition

I am very excited to tell you about handfasting as my husband and I did this at our wedding. It is such a beautiful symbol of binding love. Beltane was a very wonderful time for weddings, as it was a time to celebrate fertility and abundance, not that this is the only time that you can practice handfasting, nor do you need to have a wedding to hold a handfasting ceremony. Handfasting is a tradition in which a ribbon is tied across the two entwined hands of lovers as they promise forever to one another. The ribbon symbolizes their tied bond to each other. It’s an incredibly wonderful ceremony and one I was so pleased to honor in my union to my husband. 

Crafting Floral and Crowns

These intertwined flowers are a symbol of the May bush, which was similar to what the original Christmas tree was. By making smaller versions of the decorated May bush, they could be used to decorate door ways, homes and even worn to bring the Beltane blessings with you wherever you roam! Such a wonderful way to celebrate Beltane, even in this modern world. This is a great idea to do with the kids!

Dandelions are an easy and abundant flower to find this time of year. They have thick stems for making a floral crown. Click here to find a how to video for floral crowns. 

Flower crown / wreath for Beltane
A crown of flowers for every goddess to wear and display the beauty of spring
Fresh baked bread for Beltane
Nothing beats homemade bread fresh from the oven

Bake Bread

Baking bread is a very grounding experience, which is an excellent way to celebrate Beltane. I am most certainly a kitchen witch, making food brings me the utmost joy. I’ve included a very simple bread recipe made with minimal ingredients that is my go to recipe when I want to really disappear into the simple magic of making food with my own hands. It is a simple process that requires specificity, time and really for all the steps & ingredients to play together just right. 

The Importance of Beltane

To me the real importance of Beltane is to celebrate the unity of the masculine and the feminine. The point of the year where we truly begin to see the power of reproduction which requires both forms of energy to begin. The maiden goddess becomes the mother goddess as the young god becomes the horned god, the balance of nature in its truest and most beautiful form. So often in this modern world we praise our feminine power while reducing the masculine. Just as the masculine will suppress the feminine. When will we learn to embrace the roles they play and allow balance to reign supreme in our lives. This is so critical and I hope you spend some meditation in this throughout your Beltane celebrations.

Now go forth and celebrate! A very merry Beltane to you and yours.

Wishing you a life full of beauty and blessings!

With Love, From Lo brand image with lipstick kiss print

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