Amazing Benefits of Using Beef Tallow for Skin Care

Written by Lauren Arent (Lo Clark) 

Owner of Bewitched Esthetics & Licensed Esthetician since 2013

June 28th, 2024


Hello my darlings,

One of the latest trends in the beauty world is using beef tallow for skin care and I am SO ON BOARD! Beef tallow has numerous benefits for the skin and is shockingly non-comedogenic, meaning it won’t cause breakouts. I actually got into using beef tallow in my skin care routine during my early postpartum days. A friend of mine gifted me some amazing tallow moisturizer from Lady May and I quickly became obsessed! 

It was so hard to feel moisturized during that time. I was using antibacterial soap at home at least 20 times a day to wash my hands before handling my newborn daughter when normally I use a probiotic soap so my barrier got stripped very quickly. Add to that the dehydration of nursing, when you drink a gallon of water and still feel as parched as though you walked through a desert and needless to say, my poor skin was drier than it had ever been! Enter my new tallow moisturizer and I quickly corrected the dryness. This magic got me researching the benefits of tallow because of course, I wanted to see if I could use it on my face and everywhere else.

silver bowl of beef tallow for skin care

Tallow is beef fat. I mean really that’s essentially what it is, which sounds gross but it goes through a process that leaves it odorless and a pure white color. It’s honestly shocking when you use a good quality tallow how much you can not tell it’s fat from an animal. You can honestly make your own tallow at home. 

Throughout time, tallow has always been used by our ancestors and treasured for its nutritional properties. Yes you can eat tallow too! It’s actually more stable than using oils while cooking. Using vegetable oils at high temperatures is incredibly bad for your health. They oxidize and release free radicals which cause our skin to age faster and can also lead to breakouts on the skin. Beef tallow on the other hand is considered stable at high temperatures which makes it safe for cooking and safe to render for use in skin care.

Will Using Beef Tallow For Skin Care Cause My Skin to Breakout?

Nope! Beef tallow is compatible with your skin’s natural oils, which means it is the perfect moisturizer for all skin types, even those prone to acne. *However, please be sure to use the highest quality tallow on your skin.

What Should I Look For When Buying Beef Tallow For Skin Care?

Beef tallow for skin care is rendered and purified in order to be considered of the right quality. The best kind of beef tallow will be grass-fed and rendered through a tedious process then purified, hopefully more than once! When looking for beef tallow for skin care, please be sure to find grass-fed tallow with only one ingredient: Tallow. Well maybe with some fragrance. While tallow should be oderless (not smelling anything like fat or animal) if rendered and purified correctly, a nice fragrance is what a lady likes

I am obsessed with the Vanilla Bean scented whipped tallow from Lady May, which is literally just grass-fed tallow and vanilla essential oil. Mama loves a chemical free fragrance! Seriously, it’s magical on your skin. Pair it with the Apricot Body Oil from Eminence and you will smell scrumptious while lookin’ like a glazed doughnut! 

Hands applying beef tallow for skin care
Beef tallow for skin care will be pure white if properly prepared through rendering and purification.

What are the Benefits of Beef Tallow for Skin Care?

#1. Beef tallow is deeply moisturizing. As I said before, when I was suffering from the driest skin on my hands I had ever experienced, my whipped tallow moisturizer took only a week to have my hands soft and supple once more. Tallow helps to regenerate cracked, dry, or sensitive skin. It works the same on the face! 

#2. Since it mimics our natural oils so well, beef tallow keeps the pores clean and healthy. A lot of people who suffer from oily skin misunderstand that by keeping their skin too dry they are increasing their natural oil production. Tallow can help balance oil production in the skin and reduce the oily skin as well as heal dry skin. 

#3. Beef Tallow has anti-inflammatory properties which means it can reduce inflammation. This makes tallow a wonderful product for people with eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, or acne which are all accompanied or triggered by inflammation. 

#4. Full of vitamins like A, D, E, K, and B12, beef tallow is one of the most nutrient dense skin care ingredients out there. And it’s all natural! Just like your body, which needs vitamins and nutrients for peak performance and overall health, so does your skin need these same things to maintain suppleness, density, even texture and more. Beef tallow also contains fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6 which help to soothe irritated skin, soften dry skin, regulate oil production, promote healing, balance inflammation, and more. 

#5. The lipid composition of beef tallow acts as a protective barrier, to protect from free radical damage and to seal in hydration. If you have ever heard of slugging, I think by far this might be my favorite product to try this with.

man signing to wear moisturizer

Holistic Esthetician Recomends Beef Tallow for Skin Care

Our ancestors knew the value of using tallow and it’s time you realized how marvelous it is too! It’s difficult to find an ingredient in skin care that is as versatile and nutrient dense as tallow. Beef tallow isn’t just an ingredient, it’s a whole a** product. Where many products on the market require dozens of ingredients to be effective, you can find or make an amazing moisturizer with just tallow for ingredients and NO PRESERVATIVES necessary! Simply marvelous my darlings. If you have a favorite brand of tallow let me know in the comments below or tag me on Instagram @bewitchedskinandsoul.

Wishing you a life full of beauty and blessings!

With Love, From Lo brand image with lipstick kiss print

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