How to Boost Collagen Naturally for Beautiful Skin

Written by Lauren Arent (Lo Clark) 

Owner of Bewitched Esthetics & Licensed Esthetician since 2013

September 29th, 2023


Hello my darlings,

Collagen. What is it you ask? It is one of the greatest and most important components in healthy skin. Collagen is the main structural protein in skin, it’s what makes skin look plump and healthy. What’s really cook is that it is the main component in connective tissue and makes up about 30% of the protein content in your body. So you can see, it’s VERY important. The thing YOU need to know is that collagen production begins to decrease at the age of 20, at a rate of about 1% each year! This exponential loss of collagen may sound utterly devastating, but the good news is there are natural ways to boost collagen production in your body. 

Collagen cannot be absorbed by the body, meaning you can’t just “put it back”. Before you despair and throw away all your collagen supplements, understand that while we can’t just absorb collagen, we can absorb the amino acids our bodies need to build collagen. Most collagen supplements contain these amino acids to help the body boost collagen production. Here are a few ways to boost collagen production within the body!

When we think about collagen loss, we are typically most concerned about our faces. We worry about losing structure and volume, needing filler and Botox to compensate for the loss. When targeting collagen production in your face, one of the most effective ways is with product. This takes the least amount of time and effort because you can include these products in your daily routine! My #1 favorite collagen boosting product is the Marine Flower Peptide Serum. This is mostly due to the Smart Collagen+ Complex, which is made up of botanicals, amino acids, and minerals for your skin to use to build collagen. This serum is easy to use – layer under any moisturizer and use twice a day if you want – and incredibly effective! For more collagen boosting products, schedule a consultation with me (this can easily be done over the phone if you don’t live in Boise).

Eating Collagen Boosting Foods

The most effective way to boost collagen production is with the help of mother nature. Food is fuel for your body. The best way to build muscle is by eating protein rich foods and the same applies to building collagen in the body, by eating foods that contain the amino acids your body needs to build collagen. You can also use collagen supplements and powders, but I still believe the power of real food is better for the body. Other ingredients/chemicals in supplements can cause unexpected issues. The best supplement I can recommend is Grass Fed & Pasture Raised Collagen Peptides from Live Conscious

One of my favorite recipes for boosting collagen is my Collagen Boosting Bone Broth. I have included the recipe below for your benefit! It includes collagen boosting foods like marrow bones, oxtail, and knuckle, leafy greens, and foods rich in vitamin C.

Spa facial with sculpting, collagen boosting massage

Getting Spa Facials & Massages

A professional sculpting massage from your favorite esthetician can immediately boost collagen production. The facial manipulations, the pressure applied specifically to facial muscles, stimulates blood flow and triggers the muscles to tighten & tone in the direction of manipulation. Scheduling regular monthly facials can be one of the most crucial things you do for collagen production. It is also a good time to grill your esthetician about collagen boosting skincare products you can add to your routine as well as how to use special tools at home to continue to the good work! Book your facial today!

Using Collagen Boosting Tools at Home

Collagen boosting through massage doesn’t have to stop at the spa! You can take home tools that will help from the comfort of your own home. The catch? They require commitment! You have to make time to actually use these tools, like while you’re listening to The Skinny Confidential Podcast or watching Netflix on the couch. 

What tools are best you ask? Some of my favorites are the Pink Balls from The Skinny Confidential, a tool that sculpts and firms the skin quickly. It’s easy to use and fits comfortably in your hand. The most traditional method and cost effective is the gua sha stone. A little less comfortable to use but just as effective! 

For the body I would highly recommend the dermaroller, also known as the microneedle roller. This tool makes micro injuries in the skin, triggering a healing response and boosting collagen production in the treated area. While I would recommend this for the body, I would not recommend for the face. Please choose professional microneedling for the face as it is more effective and safer. At home tools can potentially cause damage to the face. 

The most effective way to boost collagen? Incorporate all of these things in your life. They all work together to boost your collagen production to the max. There is no “one way” option to maximize your potential, so to stay ahead of the curve: use professional & clinically proven products, eat collagen boosting foods and take supplements, get regular facials with a trained esthetician, and use high quality sculpting tools at home. 

Sculpting tool from The Skinny Confidential
Use The Skinny Confidential Pink Balls Massager to Sculpt & Firm in Seconds

Collagen Boosting Bone Broth

Collagen Boosting Bone Broth Recipe Image


Marrow Bone(s)

Bundle of Carrots (5-6)


Mustard Greens

8 Large Cloves of Garlic

Spring Onions


Wakame Seaweed


Turmeric Root

Ginger Root

Lions Mane Mushroom

Reishi Mushroom

1 teaspoon Bay leaf

1 teaspoon Thyme

1 teaspoon Rosemary

3 TBS Apple Cider Vinegar

1/2 teaspoon Himalayan Salt

1/2 teaspoon sea salt


#1. Wash all produce with sea salt & baking soda or your favorite produce wash.

#2. Fill crock pot 3/4 of the way full with water and turn to the longest time setting or to medium heat. If you decide to make your bone broth on the stove, fill your pot 3/4 of the way full and simmer over medium/low heat. 

#3. Place bone(s) into your pot.

#4. Rinse produce. Prepare by shaving ginger and turmeric root. Dice carrots, kale, greens, garlic, spring onions, onion, microgreens and mushrooms. 

#5. Add everything into the pot and stir, making sure all your ingredients are completely submerged. 

#6. Let all your ingredients stew for up to 24 hours. The longer you brew, the more potent your bone broth will be. 

*If your fresh ingredients get mushy, strain them out and let the bones continue to simmer to dissolve all the bone marrow.

#7. Refrigerate in jars. Heat when ready. Drink plain or use as broth in your delicious soup creations. 

Healthy Skin Begins Within

If you have tried everything but still struggle to find clear, healthy skin my number one recipe is to try and clean up your diet! Inflammation is a major cause of skin disorders like acne, rosacea, redness, psoriasis, even premature aging. If you’ve crossed out a lot of the obious causes, you may find you have some hidden sensitivies creating problems for you. The path to healthy skin isn’t always an easy one, if you have questions along the way or if you don’t even know where to start, book a consultation or a facial with me and let me help you get started. 

Also, don’t forget to tag me in your clean recipe selfies. Whether you are drinking this bone broth for break fast or making soup with your collagen boosting bone broth, I wanna know! Tag me @bewitchedestheticsboise so I can share you on my stories XOXO

Healthy Skin Begins Within Header on paper with sketches

Wishing you a life full of beauty and blessings!

With Love, From Lo brand image with lipstick kiss print

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