5 Secrets on How to Get Glowing Skin

Written by Lauren Arent (Lo Clark) 

Owner of Bewitched Esthetics & Licensed Esthetician since 2013

June 4th, 2023


Hello my darlings,

You are here to learn how to get glowing skin. And what better way than to learn from a holistic  esthetician! There are so many nuances to healthy skin, and honestly most are considered trade secrets that only skin care professionals really know. I would like to air out the most important of these trade secrets and give you guidance on how to get glowing skin.

If you are unfamiliar with what it is to be a holistic esthetician and why this matters, please read this article on What Makes a Holistic Esthetician. The most important thing you must understand is that a holistic esthetician will treat your skin by healing the root of any issues using natural methods instead of masking the problem/s with invasive and potentially toxic methods. So the aim of a holistic esthetician is to help you achieve glowing skin that is sustainable and will last

Unfortunately there is no quick pill for glowing skin, no matter what anyone tries to tell you. Glowing skin is a result of dedication and habits. If you are here reading this, chances are you have tried many different options and nothing has worked, or at least nothing has stuck. So let’s talk about 5 secrets you may not realize are holding you back from getting glowing skin.

How to Get Glowing Skin Secret #1: Clean Diet
How to Get Glowing Skin Secret #1: Clean Diet

How to Get Glowing Skin Secret #1: Clean Diet

This is by far the most challenging thing my clients face. I can admit frustration when I hear clients admitting they are aware of the flaws in their diet but are unwilling to change them. If you are eating fast food on a regular basis and don’t know why you are constantly breaking out no matter what you do…try cutting it out for a month and I PROMISE you will be astounded at how much your skin changes. Same with sugar. Sugar can speed up the aging process and break down healthy skin cell structures. 

Foods that you might be sensitive to, which can be a lot harder to figure out, can also cause breakouts. Dairy is a particularly tough food for a lot of people and the most frequent culprit of skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema that I see in my treatment room. A clean diet is not something you will commonly hear as a suggestion from a dermatologist or even your average esthetician. If you desire glowing skin, dedicate yourself to a healthy diet.

How to Get Glowing Skin Secret #2: Healthy Gut

This and a clean diet really work hand in hand. Your gut is really like a second brain…except if we are speaking plainly – your brain even takes a lot of signals from your gut but that’s not for me to get into. Click this link to learn more about how the gut affects mental health

To put it simply, if your diet is unhealthy for a long period of time, your gut microbiome can deteriorate and lead to conditions such as leaky gut which in turn would lead to a series of issues within the body and the visual representation of this distress would appear in/on the skin. A healthy gut is very important. To learn more about the gut and begin balancing your gut microbiome, read this article

How to get Glowing Skin: Healthy Gut
Holistic Esthetician Shares secret #2 for how to get glowing skin: Healthy Gut

How to Get Glowing Skin Secret #3: Balanced Hormones

Your hormones play an incredible role in basically every function of your body. They are little chemical signals your body releases in response to situations. If your hormones are out of balance, your body will tell you visually – usually with skin disorders like dullness, breakouts, redness, sensitivity, etc. There are many other cues from your body that your hormones are unbalanced such as hair loss, brittle nails, mood swings, and more. 

The diagnosis of this is out of the scope of practice for an esthetician, however a holistic esthetician might recognize the signs and advise you to seek professional confirmation. There are many natural ways to balance your hormones. Please read this article to get started!

A judge demanding and defining balance

How to Get Glowing Skin Secret #4: Clean Fabrics

Your fabrics play a huge role in the health of your skin. Not only do your clothes touch your skin 24/7 but we place our faces against pillow cases, snuggle against blankets and sheets, wash our faces with cloths and use towels to dry our bodies. So it is very important to make sure that these fabrics are clean and that what they are cleaned with is free of chemicals. The first question I ask a client with acne on their cheeks is if they wash their pillow cases regularly. (Bonus: My next question to these clients is if they wash their cell phone screen!) You don’t even want to know about the condition of the average bath towel. 

Make sure you have a regular wash schedule for all of your fabrics in your household AND be sure you are using a chemical free laundry detergent. This is going to make me sound a bit like a hippie but the truth about what is in your laundry detergent might shock you. Have you noticed the rise of commercials for ‘fragrance free’ or ‘sensitive skin’ laundry detergents? It’s because the huge laundry detergent companies have been receiving complaints from their customers who may not know much about the ingredients in their laundry soaps but do know their skin and noses are reacting to these products. 

Many of the ingredients in common laundry products are hormone disruptors such as phthalates which are used in synthetic fragrances and parabens which are also considered carcinogenic. For my non-toxic, diy laundry detergent I’ve been using for years, click here!


How to Get Glowing Skin Secret #5: Non Toxic Products
How to Get Glowing Skin #5: Non Toxic Products

How to Get Glowing Skin Secret #5: Non-Toxic Products

This one is an all encompassing secret. We are talking all the things you use in your life from cleaning products to vitamins, deodorant to shampoo, laundry detergent to hand soap. Did you know 60-70% of what goes on your skin reaches your blood stream? There are a whole list of toxic ingredients in common products that cause hormone imbalance and are even carcinogenic that are TOTALLY LEGAL AND FDA APPROVED. For example, have you heard of titanium dioxide? This is a chemical that makes your products white, commonly found in toothpaste, pills or vitamins, and yup even yogurt covered pretzels. It has been found to be possibly carcinogenic and is ILLEGAL in the UK since 2020. But not in the US. 

You should always know and understand the ingredients in your products which when you say it out loud is a ridiculously hard thing to do. Start small! It can take a long time to replace some of your favorite products with clean ones. Here are some recommendations to get you started:

The Secret to Glowing Skin

If you want glowing skin, see your friendly neighborhood esthetician, preferably a holistic esthetician. These lovely people (myself included) simply want the best for you and your skin. Oftentimes a consultation is completely free. If you don’t click right away with the first esthetician you choose, don’t give up – your perfect match is out there! Here is a list of lovely ladies with a note in what part of the country they treat for you to look up. If you love your esthetician please leave their name and business name and/or Instagram handle in the comments for me to check out!

Ellie Esford, Holistic Esthetician | Willoway Spa and Wellness | Petoskey, Michigan | @Intuitive.Esthetics.by.Ellie

Valentina Acosta, Acne Specialist | Luna Luxe Aesthetics | Colorado Springs, Colorado  | @LunaLuxe.Aesthetics

Madison Tidwell, Esthetician  | Sweet Home Esthetics  | Jacksonville, Florida  | @SweetHomeEsthetics

Heather V. Marcus, Holistic Esthetician | Holistic Esthetics LLC | Northern, New Jersey  | @the_holostic_esthi_nj

 Aly Root, Esthetician | Real Root Beauty LLC | Colorado City, Colorado  | @Real.Root.Beauty

Wishing you a life full of beauty and blessings!

With Love, From Lo brand image with lipstick kiss print

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