How to Make Moon Water & Use For Beauty

Written by Lauren Arent (Lo Clark) 

Owner of Bewitched Esthetics & Licensed Esthetician since 2013

June 4th, 2023


Hello my darlings,

Moon water…what is it and how do we use it?

If you are reading this, I am thinking you must have at least heard of moon water. Even if you haven’t, I am here to teach you what it is, how to make it, and how we use it. Specifically I am going to teach you how to incorporate it into skincare to make our skin glow with all the pure radiance of the moon. 

Moon water is water, typically distilled or at a minimum filtered water, that is set out under the energy of the moon to “charge” and is used to enhance intentions. Similar to how you charge a battery, you will want to charge your moon water with the energy of the moon. Each phase of the moon has different metaphysical powers to influence your intentions.

For instance, if you want to manifest your desires, you would want to charge your water under the energy of the New Moon. As it grows in phases into the Full Moon, it is symbolic of your desires coming to fruition. If you want to banish with your Moon Water, you would want to use the energy of the Full Moon. As its light diminishes from full to the darkness of the New Moon, it symbolizes the disappearance of whatever it is you desire to banish. 

Moon Goddess setting intentions with moon water

A Little Science Behind Moon Water

As much as I love to believe in magic, I would also like to assure you there is actually science behind making Moon Water. The power of the moon over water can be most prominently seen with the ebb and flow of the tides. The tides fluctuate with the cycle of the moon due to the pull of gravity from the moon. While this energy affects all of earth, we can see it the most with water because of its fluid nature. 

I recommend researching & learning about the studies of Dr. Masaru Emoto. Dr. Emoto experimented with the effect of consciousness on water. These are facinating studies that prove our conciousness affects water on a cellular level, creating different structures in the water depending on the intentions “infused” into the water. 

Easy Steps to Make Moon Water

#1. Obtain a vessel. In truth, you can use any vessel. I highly recommend one that has a lid so you can make sure the water doesn’t become contaminated throughout the night. It should be clear so it can fully charge with the energy of the moon. Also, because I consider making moon water to be a sacred ritual, I like to have a beautiful decanter to store my moon water. Check out these beautiful decanters I have available on my website!

#2. Speak Your Intentions. As I said above, according to the studies of Dr. Emoto, your consciousness has an effect on water. So what you speak to your water, as crazy as it sounds, actually changes the structure of the water. If you want to manifest beautiful skin, speak it to your water. Or if you want to banish acne, you should speak this to your water.

#3. Place Your Water Under The Moon. I place mine outside, directly exposed to the energy of the moon. However you can place in a windowsill, as long as your vessel is fully exposed to the moon.

#4. Use Your Charged Moon Water. The very next morning your water should be charged and ready to go!! Store or use up until the next cycle of the moon. It is at this point you should consider refreshing the water and recharging the vessel. 

Moon water vessel
Moon Water Vessel by Bewitched Esthetics for making moon water

Using Moon Water for Beauty

Use your intentions to specifically charge your moon water for beauty. You can manifest beautiful skin, a youthful complexion, an abundance of skincare, the ability to dedicate yourself to the perfect skincare ritual, you can even manifest the best esthetician in your area! Or you can banish the signs of aging, banish skin disorders like acne and hyperpigmentation, you might even banish toxic skincare behaviors. 

Another way  to use moon water for beauty is to use it directly in your skincare. You can make it into a toner or use it to dilute your face creams or masques. 

A final suggestion for using moon water for beauty is to drink it! This is why I suggest using a sealed decanter for storing your moon water to keep out contaminants. The ability of our consciousness and the energy of the moon in the water can be absorbed into our cells to carry our intentions through us. 

Cycles of the Moon

Schedule of Moon Cycles for 2024

It’s important to note that while the moon might look full for more than one day, it reaches its peak power at a very specific time and this is when you will want to aim to charge your moon water. However you can still charge your moon water at any point in the moon cycle. Here is a list of the next Full Moons & New Moons this year. If you want a calander to keep at home, check out this one

January 25th           9:54am

February 24th          4:30am

March 25th             0:00am

April 23th                4:49pm

May 23th                 5:53am

June 21th                6:08pm

July 21th                  3:17am

August 19th             4:13am

September 17th       6:56pm

October 17th           11:49am

November 15th        1:28pm

December 15th        1:02am

New Moon for Manifesting

January 11th           3:57am

February 9th          2:59pm

March 10th             1:00am

April 8th                11:21am

May 7th                 8:22pm

June 6th                5:38am

July 5th                  3:57pm

August 4th             4:13am

September 2nd       6:56pm

October 2nd            4:26am

November 1st          5:47am

November 30th      10:21pm

December 30th       2:47pm

Manifest with the Moon

I hope you save this article to refer back to whenever you desire to make a little moon water. As always, tag me in your moon water creations @bewitchedestheticsboise so I can share you on my stories!

Wishing you a life full of beauty and blessings!

With Love, From Lo brand image with lipstick kiss print

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