What You Need to Know About Microblading

Written by Lauren Arent (Lo Clark) 

Owner of Bewitched Esthetics & Licensed Esthetician since 2013

October 19th, 2022


Hello my darlings,

Microblading is all the craze right now and for good reason. I can’t tell you how many happy faces leave my room: from clients who have never had brows and now have the brows of their dreams to clients who simply never have to pencil their brows in again!

Are you unsure of what microblading is exactly? Wondering if microblading is the right choice for you?

I am going to give you ALL the facts you could possibly want. I’m even going to tell you the science of microblading and why it differs from a tattoo, even why it (in my opinion) is better than tattooed brows.

What is Microblading?

Microblading by definition is a semi-permanent pigmentation procedure that either recreates the appearance of eyebrows or enhances the brows one already has.

Basically what this means is microblading is a realistic tattoo that won’t last forever.

Let me explain…

When you get a tattoo, the artist will use a machine that has a needle that moves REALLY fast. This needle is dipped in ink and when it penetrates your skin, it pushes the ink into the second layer (the dermis) of your skin. Technically, your dermis also has several levels and tattooing deposits the ink into the lower levels of the dermis.

Microblading by Lo at Bewitched Esthetics in Boise, Idaho
Before, After and First 8 Months Healed Microbladed Brows

Your body is a beautiful thing.

The needle penetrating the dermis is creating a wound, which triggers the body’s natural healing response. White blood cells activate to heal along with these little cells called macrophages. Macrophages have the lovely task of removing foreign material from the body.

Ink is their target in this case and here is where things get a little magical. The macrophages can’t break down the ink, in fact, it weighs them down causing them to get stuck in the gel matrix of the dermis. This gel matrix is an invisible layer beneath the epidermis (first layer of skin). So tattoo ink really isn’t on the surface of your skin, it’s in a see through layer beneath your skin.

How cool is that?

So now let me explain the downside of a tattoo before I explain how this all ties in with microblading.

Macrophages do not live forever. When they die, they rupture and release the ink once more. The ink will sit and spread until more macrophages come and gobble up the pigment again. Then they sit in the gel matrix until they die and the process repeats over and over and over again.

This is the unique process that leads to the appearance of “spreading” “bleeding” or “fanning” as a tattoo ages. We have all seen tattoos on elderly people. We’ve seen how they fade, how the lines blurr and spread out. This is just the life of a tattoo.

Ok. Still with me? Now let me explain how ALL of this correlates to a tattoo.


Microblading by Lo at Bewitched Esthetics in Boise, Idaho
Microblading can replace the look of natural hair, giving shape and fullness to sparse eyebrows

No Such Thing As Semi-permanent

So technically there is no such thing as semi-permanent. The epidermis is CONSTANTLY replacing itself (every 4 to 6 weeks). So if we deposit ink into that layer, we would only have a tattoo for a matter of weeks. If we plant ink into the dermis, well you now know what happens in the dermis.

So how do we create a tattoo that won’t continue to “spread” or “fan” forever?

It comes down to the amount of pigment being placed into the dermis. Uncontrolled/heavy amounts of pigment (as when placed by a machine) will weigh down the macrophages for years but if we can control the amount of ink deposited, the lymphatic system can actually get rid of micro amounts of pigment in less time than forever. (This is why eventually, no matter how dark your tattoo once was, it will fade with time.) 

When I microblade, I use a tool that looks very much like a colorful scalpel. Instead of a single blade however, the tip is actually made up of a series of micro needles. The process of pigment implantation is done manually during microblading

It is also very important for the artist to pay attention to the depth of implantation. What this means is, using the micro needles, I make a micro incision and push the ink into the upper levels of the dermis, a place known as “the sweet spot” in the industry. In this manner, there is just the right of pigment placed into the skin at the perfect depth so that the macrophages are weighed down but only enough for a few life cycles before the lymphatic system will carry away the pigment for good!

This micro incision has many purposes.

#1. Is so that the result looks like a fine hair stroke, which we build into a full brow.

#2. Is so that it heals without a scar. This is VERY important because you will need touch ups and we do not want to go over scar tissue, this is very bad for your body (remember, your skin is your largest organ). Think of the micro incisions kinda like a paper cut.

#3. Is so we don’t weigh down those macrophages too much and end up with strokes that will bleed/spread/fan over time.

Speaking as your technician for a moment

It is very important to understand if you have thin skin, you may end up with blurred/dark strokes because depth is hard to control the more fragile your skin is.

It is also important to note, that just as it is very difficult to control how deep the pigment goes, it is also difficult to control how shallow. The reason for a 6 week touch up? Some of the ink won’t make it into the very careful location of the upper dermis. If it remains in the epidermis, as I pointed out above, the lymphatic system will remove the pigment within a span of 4 to 6 weeks. There is also a whole lot to talk about regarding the healing process and if you want to get more in depth with that, please CLICK HERE.

So now you know the science behind microblading!

This is just my opinion but when it comes down to having tattooed brows vs. microbladed brows, I will always vote microbladed!

And here’s why.

Microblading by Lo at Bewitched Esthetics in Boise, Idaho
Microblading by Lo at Bewitched Esthetics in Boise, Idaho


Guys. Remember the 80’s/90’s styled brows? The thin lines that were so in just a few decades ago? I sure do, because they make up 90% of my clientele. I have people asking me every day, “how can I grow back my over-plucked brows?”

Same thing applies to the “powdered brows” that are so popular right now. I can’t promise you that ten years from now this particular style will still be a trend. So PLEASE don’t get anything permanent on your skin that you may not love as the trends change.

This is why my style is classic. Classic is always in! Let’s enhance what you already have or give you a natural looking brow so there will never be any regrets. You can always put makeup on those babies if you’re going out for the night but I can’t tell you how unnatural it looks when you wake up on a lake day and your brows look ready for the club.


I can’t speak for everyone, but I can tell you purely from observation that my clients who had their brows tattooed in the 90’s regret the decision. At least with microblading, you’re only making a commitment for a few years.

Yes it’s frustrating to get touch ups, but the maintenance is worth not having regrets. Plus, touch ups keep your brows looking fresh year after year. Even tattoos will need to be touched up eventually but the blurred lines will never fade completely.

I understand some of the frustrations of touch ups which is why I have a unique set up for your brows. I do my touch ups in stages, so you can decide when you want to come back in for fresh brows. No need to wait a full year to get your money’s worth, I have broken down the year into segments so you only pay for what you need. I have clients that come every 2 to 4 months and only pay $85 a session!

If you want to see my full menu, please CLICK HERE.

Please feel free to send me a message if you have more questions or leave a comment below if you like the info I’ve shared with you today!

I love my job. I love bringing happiness to people who have never before had brows or people who want to eliminate their morning routine of penciling in those pesky brows. If you are one of those who NEED BROWS NOW, you can BOOK WITH ME HERE or through my esthetics page. I can’t wait to see your smiling face! 

Wishing you a life full of beauty and blessings!

With Love, From Lo brand image with lipstick kiss print

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Microblading is a semi-permanent pigment implantation procedure for enhancing the appearance of the eyebrows. This is a two hour procedure in which pigment is etched into the skin in fine, short strokes mimicking hair using a hand tool with a blade formed of micro needles. If you are considering this procedure for your brows please read through the To Be A Candidate section below to see if microblading is right for you! If you have any questions please contact the salon.

Microblading from start to Finish

#1. When you schedule a microblading appointment, you will be sent a consent form as well as a prep form. It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to read through these forms before your appointment.

*If you do not fill out the forms, you are responsible for the appointment fee if you can’t receive the procedure. 

#2. You will receive a text 24 hours before your appointment to remind you of your appointment.

#3. It is your responsibility to come prepared for the appointment. Please read thoroughly through the section below “Required Prep For Procedure.”

F A Q 's

How much does it cost?

Cost of this procedure is under construction as I move from CDA to Coeur D’Alene. Please contact if you wish to get on my wait-list!

Do I need the 6 week touch up?

My recommendation is yes. Statistically you can lose up to 80% of pigment after the initial procedure. If you follow my aftercare instructions to the letter, you should only see about a 40% loss but even still with the perfect healing process, it is likely you will have fading. A 6 week touch up ensures not only to restore lost pigment for longer lasting brows but also allows you to live in your new brows for 6 weeks before deciding if you want to change your brows in any way, like going darker with your pigment. 

How did you get your certification?

I was privately trained by an artist in Washington in 2019. I then pursued my education and certification with the American Academy of Micropigmentation in 2021. Next stop, creating my very own educational course to certify future microblading students!

What Ink do you use?

I use Tina Davies Professional Pigments. They are Vegan, Cruelty-Free, CTL certified, sterilized by gamma radiation, made in the USA, and CPNP registered.

Does it Hurt?

I use two forms of numbing agents. The first -a cream- is applied before the procedure. This renders the area mostly desensitized as I make the first incisions. Then I use a numbing liquid as soon as I can apply to the area where it will reach the bloodstream. So while there isn’t a 100% guarantee, I aim to make the procedure as painless as possible and have even had clients doze off during the microblading process!

How do touch ups work?

My touch ups are scheduled by the time that has passed since the last time you came in. There are four stages, increasing in price the more time that has passed. There is the 2-4 month for $85, the 5-8 month for $150, the 9-12 month for $200 and the 1 year & beyond for $250. Everyone is different in preference, how they heal and how they fade. This customized set up allows you to schedule a touch up when you need it!

To Be A Candidate  

*If you are prone to herpes, cold sores, or shingles, this procedure may cause a flare up or the outbreak may spread. Consult doctor – you MUST take 1000 mg. Valtrex the day PRIOR to, the day of, and the day after your appointment to prevent a breakout.

*If you have diabetes receive a medical release from your doctor.

*If you have cirrhosis of the liver you may be highly susceptible to infection.

*Cannot have undergone chemotherapy in the past 6 months 

*If you’ve had a surgical forehead/brow lift the scar tissue will prevent proper healing.

*If you have Trichotillomania {Compulsive pulling of body hair} this may result in scar tissue and pigment will not heal properly.

*If you have Eczema, Psoriasis or Dermatitis in or around the brow area the constant flaking/itching/irritation/shedding of skin will result in poor healing of brows. Consult doctor.

*If you have Hemophilia or a bleeding disorder the pigment will not set.

*If you are in Menopause you may have hot flashes during the procedure, the sweat may result in a failure of pigment retention and I may have to stop.

*If you have Platelet Disorders/Aggregation Disorders {An aggregation disorder is when platelets do not bind with fibrinogen and other proteins in order to stick to other platelets.} As a result the platelets cannot form a plug to stop the bleeding from a damaged blood vessel.

*If you have moles/raised areas in or around the brow area. The pigment will not retain on anything raised.

*If you’ve had a hair transplant for your eyebrows. Pigment will not take in the scar tissue where the plugs were placed.

*CANNOT have been on Accutane {acne medicine} within the last year.

*If you’ve had any type of organ transplant or take anti-rejection medications you are not a candidate.

* If you have MRSA {can be very contagious} you are not a candidate.

*If you have extremely thin skin {transparent or translucent or very vascular} this could result in thicker or blurry strokes.

*If you “keloid” scar, you need to ask your doctor because of the risk of raised scarring.

*If you are a pregnant or breastfeeding mother, the numbing medications will get in your bloodstream and could hurt the baby. You are not a candidate.




*If you have oily skin, your results WILL appear softer (eyebrows can look solid) in appearance and may require additional procedures.

*Come to your appointment with your eyebrows penciled the way you like them (optional) if you like.

*Clients with darker skin (Indian, African American, Filipino, etc.), please know that the hair strokes will NOT appear as defined or as dark as lighter skin types due to the skin color already being naturally darker.

*If you exercise frequently/vigorously, with the frequent production of sweat you may find the pigment will not retain, fade very quickly, or appear blurred or change in color. Plan to refrain from exercise 7 to 14 days post treatment.

*You will be more sensitive to pain during your menstrual cycle.

*If you have alopecia {hair loss due to autoimmune disease} the hair strokes may appear more blurred or blended.

*If you have deep wrinkles in the brow area the hair strokes may not lay properly in the creases, giving  the brow an uneven look

Required Prep for Procedure

*Anything that thins your blood or causes excessive bleeding will not allow the pigment to set nor will it allow the numbing medications to work properly and could cause issues with my ability to see as I work. Consult your doctor before discontinuing any medications.*

#1. Do not work out 24 hours before procedure. (Blood flow will increase)

#2. NO alcohol or caffeine 24 hours before procedure (Yes, there is caffeine in decaf coffee and tea!). (Blood flow will increase)

#3. Avoid sun and tanning one week prior to procedure. (Skin will be damaged & could flake)

#4. Do not take Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E or Advil/Ibuprofen 24 hours before procedure. (Thins blood & causes excessive bleeding)

#5. Avoid power shakes and power greens, Fish Oil, and “Hair, Skin, Nail” supplements 24 hours prior to procedure.(Causes heavy bleeding)

#6. Discontinue Glycolics, Chemical Peels and Retinols/ Retin-A 6 weeks prior. 

*Check your moisturizer, face wash BB or CC creams and makeup primers for anything that says acid.

#7. Refrain from use of any Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA) products close to the eyebrow area 2 weeks prior to and 2 weeks after your procedure. 

*Check your moisturizer, face wash, BB or CC creams and makeup primers for anything that says acid.

#8. No brow waxing or tinting one week before.

#9. If using an eyelash growth serum (Latisse) or a similar product  on your eyebrows, you must stop using on brows two weeks before your appointment and do not use for two weeks after.

#10. You must be off any kind of Accutane for 1 year. NO EXCEPTIONS!

#11. If you get fillers please plan your appointment either 4 weeks before or 4 weeks after your microblading appointment

#12. If you get Botox please plan your appointment for two weeks before or two weeks after your microblading appointment.

#13. If you are prone to herpes, cold sores, or shingles you MUST take 1000 mg. Valtrex the day PRIOR to, the day of, and the day after your appointment to prevent a breakout. This will also require medical release. Please consult with your doctor.


*Appointments require a nonrefundable deposit. If contraindications are present at the time of the service, and the artist is unable to proceed, Bewitched will still charge for the appointment. Please read through our 48 hour cancellation policy before booking.