5 Ways to Make Mother's Day Special at Home

Written by Lauren Arent (Lo Clark) 

Owner of Bewitched Esthetics & Licensed Esthetician since 2013

May 6th, 2024


Hello my darlings,

Mother’s Day is fast approaching, are you ready to spoil your mama? Or if you are the one to be spoiled, have you decided how you wish to spend your special day? Truly, what every mother wants is to bask in the glow of motherhood on this special day dedicated to her. After reading this article, it is my hope you’ll have an excellent plan to execute the perfect Mother’s Day or have all you need to drop delicious hints to move your loved ones into planning a proper celebration of your motherhood status.

First one on the list is an excellent idea for mothers with little children. A do it yourself craft that gets the kids involved to make mommy a precious gift. Putting love and laughter into a jar full of joy with give your mama the gift of glowing skin and a glowing smile everytime she polished her skin. And it is oh so easy to make! 

The most basic ingredient is sugar or you can even use salt. Then all you really need is an oil of some kind, preferably olive oil or coconut oil. Please use first cold pressed virgin oils as these are the purest on the skin and least likely to trigger skin conditions. 

If you want to get fancy and fun, here are a few other ingredients you can add:

Vegetable Glycerin – for hydration & texture

Castille Soap – for foaming & cleansing

Essential Oils – for delicious fragrances without the chemicals, however be careful how much you use as essential oils are very potent and cause skin irritation 

Herbs – herbs are little magic plants, they have medicinal properties that can heal and treat the skin, plus they add their own delicious fragrances. For example, Lavender is calming both the skin and to the senses, Eucalyptus is invigorating and pore cleansing, and Rose contributes anti-aging properties.

Shea Butter – can be a little greasy when added and needs to be melted prior to mixing with the sugar but it will add luxurious hydration to your sugar scrub

Mother's Day Mockatail: Mama's Magic Mocktail

Sparkling Coconut Vanilla MocktailToasted & sweet, with a little exotic flavor!


Coconut sugar


Vanilla Bean Pods

1 cup sugar

2 cups water

Coconut LaCroix


#1. Boil water. Add sugar.

#2. Scrape one vanilla bean pod and add into boiling syrup with the pod. Let simmer for 15 to 20 minutes.

#3. Remove syrup from heat and chill in the fridge.

#4. Prepare glass by wetting the rim and coating with coconut sugar and cinnamon. Add an ice cube.

#5. Pour one part vanilla bean simple syrup and two parts Coconut LaCroix into glass.

#6. Garnish with a vanilla bean pod and a sprig of thyme. Serve & enjoy! 

#2. Mother's Day Mocktails

I LOVE a good mocktail. There is nothing more marvelous than a delicious drink enjoyed (hopefully) on a sunny patio. Give mama a minute to sip something sweet, perhaps accompanied with delightful conversation about the joy era of motherhood. Here are a couple recipes to get you started!

Mama’s Magic Mocktail: Like an Arnold Palmer, but with color & fizz!


1/4 cup dried Butterfly Pea Flowers

1 tbsp Sugar

2 cups Water

Limonchello La Croix 

Splash Lemon Juice

Edible Flowers


#1. Start by freezing your flowers in cubes. Prep these at least 24 hours in advance. 

#2. Boil hot water and let the Butterfly Pea Flowers steep. Add sugar. Chill in the fridge.

#3. Prepare glass. Add floral cubes. Pour in sweetened Butterfly Pea Flower tea. Add a splash of lemon juice and the Limonchello La Croix.

#4. Mix and serve with a lemon slice as a garnish. 

Mother's Day Mocktail: Sparking Vanilla Coconut Mocktail
At Home Facial with mom for Mother's Day

#3. At Home Facials

This one is perhaps my favorite option for Mother’s Day, but as an Esthetician we all know I am biased. The gift of glowing skin is the best gift in my opinion. And one of the best ways to enjoy the journey is with a facial at home. So pull out all the bottles of beauty products, the lotions, the potions, oils and serums. 

OR get one of my curated At Home Facial Kits to make things easier and for the best treatment facial you can get at home. See my facial kits are designed to treat specific skin conditions, all the products picked to be the perfect fit to treat whatever your target is for your skin. Hydration? Anti-aging? Acne? Hyperpigmentation? You choose and let mama soak up the benefits of world renowned professional skin care in the comfort of her own home. Find these kits on my website or my Etsy or pick one up from the shop in Boise!

#4. Mother's Day Massage

Although this one can and should be taken advantage of by all mothers, it might be most applicable to those who can send the kids off with Grandma or Auntie or your second cousin twice removed if it works for you. Whatever you can do to get some alone time with your partner. 

Then it’s just a matter of setting up a table or comfortable spot to get a nice muscle relaxing, tension relieving rub down. 

I will admit to a slight advantage in this department due to the availability of a massage table due to my work, however you can easily grab a portable table for under $200! It can easily be set up in the bedroom or living room, wherever you might have a little extra room. 

The key to a good massage is the perfect massage oil. My husband and I use this Apricot Body Oil. It has a delicious, slightly sweet aroma and is a dry oil so it doesn’t sit and feel sticky in the skin, instead absorbing fairly quickly and deeply hydrating the skin as it’s rubbed in. I even use it during my treatments at work!

At Home Facial Kit for Mother's Day

#5. Give the gift of a Luxurious Bath

A hot bath is one thing but it can be enhanced into an entire ritual experience with the right tools. 

The first of which is alone time. Give her the peace and time to herself to let the hot soak in the bath last as long as mama needs it to. So keep the kiddies occupied and away from the bathtub while mom washes all her worries away.

The second of which is the right ingredients to make the bath extra special. Easiest of these ingredients are a bag of bath salts or a bath bomb plus some beautiful flowers or flower petals set loose in the bath. However, if you really want to make her feel special I would pick up one of these beauty boxes! The Bewitched Beauty Box contains all the ingredients for the perfect self care ritual. Such as a tub tea (bath salts, essential oils and herbs), an At Home Facial Kit (as we discussed above), a handmade body scrub and more! My Basic Beauty Box is a simplified version and also a great choice for Mother’s Day, the perfect gift to accompany the perfect bath.

Make Your Mamma Glow

Don’t catch yourself without a plan for Mother’s Day this year. Use these ideas to inspire a perfect holiday that celebrates the woman who gave birth, who raises children, who pours blood, sweat, and tears into her role as Mother. At the time I am writing this, I just gave birth to my daughter only three months ago. The weight of motherhood sits heavy on my shoulders and I look forward with great joy to see what my husband has planned for my first celebration of the most important job title I have ever held: Mother. I feel confident in speaking for myself and on the behalf of other mothers when I encourage you to invest in making this day something special.  If any of these ideas inspire you to get creative, tag me @bewitchedestheticsboise so I can share you on my stories!

Wishing you a life full of beauty and blessings!

With Love, From Lo brand image with lipstick kiss print

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