New Moon Ritual Bath

Written by Lauren Arent (Lo Clark) 

Owner of Bewitched Esthetics & Licensed Esthetician since 2013

January 20th, 2023


Hello my darlings,

The New Moon represents a time for manifesting. As the moon cycles, grows from it’s darkest form into it’s brightest, this is the time to grow your intentions into their brightest form. The best way to symbolize and set your intentions is with a ritual and one of my favorite rituals is a bath ritual. Let’s discuss how to hold a New Moon Ritual Bath on your own. If you would to learn more after reading this blog, you can purchase my New Moon Ritual Bath Guide here. 

Let’s Get Ready

The first thing you will want to do is prepare. Choose the ingredients to amplify the magick of your ritual bath such as herbs, essential oils, oils, candles, crystals and more. To simplify things, I recommend getting yourself one of my Bewitched Beauty Boxes! Inside are all the ingredients for the perfect self care ritual: 

 ~ A crystal infused body scrub, the flavors vary throughout the year

 ~ A tub tea, with epsom salts, sea salts and dried flowers or herbs perfect for a hot soak

 ~ A crystal infused organic soy wax candle, the scents also vary through the year

 ~ And an At Home Facial Kit – a bundle of Eminence Organic Samples for the perfect

treatment you can do at home!

Cleansing Your Space

It’s important to cleanse your sacred space before doing any magick, to banish any negative energies and cleanse away the past. 

It is also important to cleanse your tub properly. Since you will be soaking in the water, I feel it is very important not to use any toxic chemicals on the surface of the tub. The diy home cleaner I am currently using is a recipe made with colloidal silver from Cymboitika, filtered water, and a few drops of peppermint essential oil. I feel safe bathing myself and even my niece in the tub after cleaning with this mixture which I can’t say is true after using bleach or disinfecting wipes.

Clear Quartz Crystal in the light of a candle for a New Moon ritual bath
A fully charged crystal in the candle light of a New Moon Ritual Bath

A Simple Spell for Cleansing

Say these words as you gently wave your lit smudge stick. 

“Behold, I do cleanse and purify this space. Nothing that is negative or harmful may remain here. I cast out all negativity, returning it to Mother Earth, that she may reuse and recycle it for a better purpose.”

Charging by the Moon

The next thing you will need to do to prepare for your Ritual Bath is charge your crystals! I plan to charge mine tonight in preparation for my bath tomorrow on the 21st. To charge your crystals, simply place your crystals under the open sky, this can be on a window sill fully exposed to the night or directly outside. I personally prefer to place mine outside. It is a ritual act for me, I have a special counter, cauldron and plate I use to charge my crystals.

While you’re at it, charging things under the New Moon, think about making some moon water. The easiest way to do this is by grabbing a bowl or a jar of water and placing it near your crystals! It’s the perfect addition to a Ritual Bath and you really don’t need much to add a little more magick to your tub. Leave your water and your crystals out overnight to prepare them for the Ritual Bath.

When To Take Your Bath

You can plan to take your bath as close to the peak of the moon phase as possible for the most powerful results. For future New Moon Ritual Baths, I recommend looking for the time of the New Moon (easily found on the internet) and planning your bath for the day, evening or night of the New Moon. The moon holds power over many things, water being a large entity. Just as the moon controls the tides with it’s pull, so shall you see the effects of your ritual bath when timed with the phases of the moon. 

Setting Your Intentions

I used to prefer the Full Moon before I understood the tides of magick. The ritual of charging my crystals under the light of the Full Moon felt more magickal. However, now that I understand the significance, I find myself more drawn to the New Moon. This is because I love enhancing my manifesting magick. A Full Moon for Banishing, a New Moon for Manifesting.

What I want you to do my darling before you fill your tub with water is to write down the things you would like to manifest in your life as the moon grows through her phases from the darkness of the New Moon to the bright light of the Full Moon. Just like a lotus flower starts in the dark mud at the bottom of the pond and grows toward the light, so shall your intentions grow through the phases of the moon.

“I have beautiful skin.”

“I am radiant.”

“I am a beautiful goddess.”

Note that these intentions are set in the present tense. There is no “I will be” or “I want to” here. These are very specific intentions, say them as though they already exist. It is very important to phrase your intentions in this way.

Extra Steps

A few extra steps you can take to enhance your magick are these:

Add a bath bomb to the water, ensuring the ingredients are pure

Add lemon to your water for the softest skin. The citric acid will gently exfoliate your body

Stir your bath water deosil, this means clockwise to the right, for manifesting, three times (widdershins being the opposite for banishing)

Add your favorite flowers to the water for beauty

Prepare a cup of tea and/or treat such as fruit or my Mango Energizing Bites


Now that your bath is cleansed and full of hot water, your candles are lit and crystals placed around the rim or within the water (be aware of which crystals can go into the water, see here which ones you can use), you have your tea, your treat, and your At Home Facial Kit at the ready, it is time to begin manifesting as you soak in your Ritual Bath. 

As you relax, I want you to say aloud your intentions three times each. Each time you say the intention, focus on visualizing what it is you want. Not just seeing your desire, but feeling it too. I believe this is very important in manifesting. Imagine how you will feel when your skin is clear of blemishes, when your skin is smooth and free of fine lines, how happy you will be as you look in the mirror and see your radiant face, so beautiful. Whatever it is that you are imagining, allow yourself to feel the emotions as if you already have what you desire.

This is the magick. It is you.

Relax & Enjoy

Soak in that hot water, knowing all your dreams will come true. Use your luxurious skincare products, give yourself the most wonderful at home beauty treatment because you truly deserve it. Visualize your intentions as though they have come true.

And Finally

Don’t forget to rinse off in a shower after your bath. This is a step almost always overlooked, even by myself. After sitting and soaking in hot water, you shed dirt, debris, dead skin cells and negative energies that must be washed away by a cleansing shower.

If you really want to have to most powerful New Moon Ritual, I encourage you to take one last step before you return to the world outside your bathroom. Take time to cover your body with hydration, the Strawberry Rhubarb Hyaluronic Body Lotion and the Coconut Firming Body Lotion being two of my favorite organic body lotion choices.

As you do, I want you to look into the mirror and thank your beautiful body. Look at each of your features and say I love you. There is powerful magick in this, please believe me.

We live in a world that so quickly asks us to point out and focus on our flaws. This trains our eyes to see only those flaws. You do not see the beauty that others see. So take a few minutes to say, “I love you to your beautiful arms, your feminine curves, your radiant eyes.” All of your features are those of the goddess, never forget that. 

New Moon Ritual Bath with candles, crystals, ayurvedic sweets, hot tea, and midnight dahlias.
A New Moon Ritual Bath complete with candles, crystals, hot tea, sweet treats, and midnight dahlia flowers.

Now you have the power to hold your own New Moon Bath Ritual in the comfort of your own home. If you wish to learn more, to find more details such as incantations or specific herbal/candle/essential oil recommendations for intentions, please head to Etsy where you can find my New Moon Ritual Bath Guide available for download. Please tag me on Instagram if you post photos of your beautiful bath, I cannot wait to see what you design! 

Wishing you a life full of beauty and blessings!

With Love, From Lo brand image with lipstick kiss print

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