Lemon & Calendula Yogurt Bark

Written by Lauren Arent (Lo Clark) 

Owner of Bewitched Esthetics & Licensed Esthetician since 2013

April 21st, 2023


Hello my darlings,

I am feeling Springish FINALLY! The little bits of sunshine that have blessed the days of late really inspired this recipe for Lemon & Calendula Yogurt Bark. Lots of yellow and gold to brighten your day with very fresh and tangy tastes to match. Hope you are ready to refresh your skin for Spring my darlings!

I have mentioned once or twice the importance of gut health when it comes to the radiance of your skin. If you haven’t heard me say it yet, I refer you to my article The Connection Between Gut Health and Radiant Skin. When you understand the importance of gut health and the part that probiotics play in maintaining a healthy microbiome, you will LOVE this delicious way to incorporate yogurt, a source of live probiotics, into your diet. And as a bonus, because I have been focusing on adding more protein into my diet, this recipe is also a sweet little source of protein with roughly 5 grams per serving! Happy tummy and happy metabolism. 

Yogurt bark is made by freezing the “batter” and smashing into little pieces, similar to peppermint bark which is made with chocolate. This yogurt bark has no refined sugar (depending on the protein powder you use) only honey as a sweetener! 

Lemon & Calendula Yogurt Bark on a plate with the Clear Skin Probiotic Moisturizer
Lemon & Calendula Yogurt Bark recipe by a holistic esthetcian

Yogurt: What Should I Use?

I dream about the day when I can make my own yogurt from home. Maybe this is the inspiration I need to pull the trigger because I have heard that it is UNBEATABLE when it comes to the comparison of store bought brands and contains so many more live probiotics. But as far as what you should choose for this recipe, definitely go with plain greek yogurt. When I was gathering my ingredients, I immediately grabbed the lemon greek yogurt because for me personally, it is preferable to ice cream. Honest! But when I was reading the ingredients on the back, I noticed the ridiculous amount of sugar and ingredients they add in comparison to the ingredient list on the plain greek yogurt. I was mildly disgusted and exchanged immediately.

Greek yogurt is the healthier choice by far. Well…simply put: regular yogurt may have fewer calories and more calcium, but greek yogurt contains so much less sugar and more protein. Plus the consistency is more to my preference, thicker not slicker.

(Side note – did you know the Mediterranean diet is one of the healthiest diets in terms of reducing inflammation and gut related issues?

Lemon: Golden Citrus

I LOVE using lemon in recipes…have you noticed yet? It is such a tangy and sweet and honestly just such an attractive fruit. If I was a fruit, I think I would want to be a lemon. I imagine it would fit: sweet with a lot of zest for life and sassy on the finish. Lemon has so many nutritional benefits for the body: aids in digestion, assists with weight loss, helps with hydration, and of course VITAMIN C! Just one lemon contains 21% of your daily requirement of Vitamin C. As far as skin health…lightening, brightening, and plumping – lemon is excellent for skin health! The Vitamin C content alone works like Wonder Woman in this citrus fruit. 

Calendula flower

Calendula, The Bright and Sunny Herb

Calendula looks so much like the sun. A sweet little flower with vibrant orange petals that become a golden color when dried. I love the taste, in my mind it’s similar to chamomille which I know is not the best description. The herb is so good for the skin. It is anti-inflammatory and soothing, again very similar to chamomille. It’s also an excellent antimicrobial & anti-viral as well as healing and anti-carcinogenic, meaning it is excellent in fighting cancer and the damage it inflicts. And for all my goddesses, it can reduce the pain of menstrual cramps! 

Honey & Chia Seeds

So the honey and chia seeds in the topping portion of this recipe are cooked and essentially form a jelly like substance! Chia seeds are incredibly absorbant and honey has a fun consistency. You see, when you boil it, it gets harder. So much so that I use honey instead of pectin to make my homemade jelly without sugar!

Honey has incredible benefits for the skin, like blood sugar regulation, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal, heals, full of nutrients and antioxidants…etc. Also, it’s the only food that can last for YEARS. They found edible honey entombed with pharaohs in Egypt

Chai seeds are an excellent source of fiber, which is great for weight loss since it keeps you fuller longer and keeps the gut healthy!

Lemon & Calendula Yogurt Bark
Lemon and Calendula Yogurt Bark is a sweet snack packed with probiotics and protein

Clear Skin Probiotic Moisturizer

Product Pairing and inspiration for today’s recipe comes from the Clear Skin Probiotic Moisturizer! From Eminence Organic Skincare (obviously) the main event in this product is…you guessed it…YOGURT! Full of probiotics to keep the skin’s microbiome nice and balanced. I highly recommend it as a lightweight moisturizer, even if you don’t have acne. It feels minty fresh on the skin and brings refreshing balance to the skin. 

Lemon & Calendula Yogurt Bark Recipe

Send Me Selfies of Your Yogurt Bark

Have you made yogurt bark before? What flavor and toppings do you like to use in your recipe? I wanna know! Send me your selfies, @bewitchedestheticsboise and I’ll mention you in my story! Hope you enjoy this skin healthy treat. Remember:

Healthy Skin Begins Within Header on paper with sketches

Wishing you a life full of beauty and blessings!

With Love, From Lo brand image with lipstick kiss print

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